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Balikian Plastic Surgery

BBL Heroic Face + Neck + Chest

BBL Heroic Face + Neck + Chest

Regular price $1,200.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,200.00 USD
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BBL HEROic is not a laser. BBL is a form of intense pulsed light therapy (IPL), which has been around for years, but BBL far surpasses all other versions available today. At Balikian Plastic Surgery we are proud to be the only practice in the area that offers this treatment. This advanced treatment uses multiple wavelengths of light energy to target cells deep within your skin layers.

As the light energy passes through your tissues, it gently heats up the damaged cells and breaks them down so your body can dispose of them. Then, your cells regenerate and restore your skin’s natural texture and tone. Whether you're seeking a laser for sun damage or comprehensive skin rejuvenation, BBL HEROic delivers remarkable results.

What Skin Concerns Can BBL HEROic Help With?

Our BBL facial treatments can effectively address:

- Sun damage

- Freckles and age spots

- Redness and rosacea

- Small facial veins and blood vessels

- Acne

- Fine lines and wrinkles

- Overall tone and texture

- Firmness and elasticity

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